It’s been a challenging night on the barricades for the climate protestors blocking entrances to OMV – New Zealand’s last major offshore oil exploration company.

Overnight blockade of the OMV building in New Plymouth

The rain came in, high winds threatened to blow away the banners and passers by in New Plymouth made their views known.

Niamh O’Flynn from Greenpeace says 99 per cent of the cars that went by in the night tooted in support and gave thumbs up, there were a couple of people in speeding cars who threw two bottles at the protestors. One passed close over their heads.

“We praise the bravery of the protesters standing up for our future,” she says.

“We are unperturbed by the actions of this tiny minority and we’re determined to carry on with our non violent demonstration.”

“Most people realise we’re on the side of locals here in Taranaki. Clean energy would deliver new jobs and prosperity for the region, and we’re calling on the Government and industry to step up and support oil and gas workers in a just transition towards the future we need.”

“We intend to stand our ground, to make our point that OMV has no place in New Zealand because we’re facing a climate emergency and we cannot afford to burn the oil we’ve got, let alone look for more.”

More rain and high winds are predicted. The protesters say they’re planning to stay for three days to make their point.