Amsterdam – Greenpeace International confirms that its Executive Director, Jennifer Morgan, will step down on 28 February in order to take a new position as Special Envoy for International Climate Action in Germany’s Federal Government.

Morgan joined Greenpeace six years ago and has worked tirelessly to ensure the organisation continued to adapt to the constantly evolving, deepening climate emergency and biodiversity crisis.

She has particularly supported the organisation in ensuring that justice, equity, diversity, inclusion and safety are at the forefront of our work. Understanding that there can be no peace without equity and no green without peace.

Morgan represented the organisation at many international events, including climate conferences, where her long history, deep knowledge of climate policy and politics has helped the organisation hold politicians’ feet to the fire and push international ambition to hold global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees C.

Morgan said: “As we journey deeper into the disruption of the climate emergency, it is clearer than ever that people power is what will create the space for those in governments to go beyond their comfort zones and to find the courage to do the right thing. I only hope that I can, in this new role and challenge, match the courage I have found working within Greenpeace, with its courageous and tireless staff, with its networks, allies, and volunteers over these past 6, intense, years.”

Congratulating Morgan on her new role, Greenpeace International Board Chair, Ayesha Imam, said: “I would like to thank Jennifer for her hard work and dedication to Greenepace’s mission and congratulate her exciting and important new role as Special Envoy for International Climate Action in the German Foreign Ministry. In such times, we need people like Jennifer who understand the urgency of the climate threat, inside our governments and institutions. People who understand the nexus between climate justice and social justice and who will fight for that.”

Martin Kaiser, Executive Director of Greenpeace Germany, also welcomed the news:
I am very pleased and proud that Jennifer Morgan has been appointed to this important and pivotal new role. It is a testament and recognition of the decades-long commitment of Greenpeace activists to demand climate protection and stay below the 1.5 degree limit.

“With the appointment of the international Greenpeace boss Jennifer Morgan as Special Envoy for International Climate Action, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is sending a strong signal that the 1.5 degree target will be the guideline for Germany’s climate foreign policy. Morgan’s appointment is a promise that the concerns of civil society are taken into account in international climate policy.

Greenpeace is, always has been, and always will be, an independent campaigning organisation, free from affiliation with any corporation or government. We seek to work in allyship where we find common cause. We will continue to hold those who fail in their responsibility accountable.



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