Greenpeace New Zealand Whiskas action ends as Mars heads into an industry round table in the UK on Thai Union’s troubled tuna supply.

At 19.00 (NZST), after nearly 11-hours, the activists ended their blockade of Mars Whiskas plant in Whanganui, New Zealand. The move came just ahead of an industry round-table on Thai Union’s troubled tuna supply chains that is being chaired by Mars executives. Thai Union will be in attendance at the Oxfordshire meeting, alongside key European buyers of Thai Union seafood.

Greenpeace New Zealand campaigner Kate Simcock said “Our actions in New Zealand today mean that Mars will take a clear message into their UK meeting – that industry needs to step up its efforts to eliminate slave labour and destructive fishing.”

It’s important that all Thai Union customers, including Mars, understand that their brands are compromised by a supply chain that has been linked to slavery and which relies on destructive fishing practices.”

Today’s action is part of a global Greenpeace campaign designed to drive reform at Thai Union and create fair and sustainable global tuna fisheries.

“The Oxford meeting is a step towards Mars and Thai Union resolving these issues,” said Simcock, “but our message today is clear – it’s time for these companies to resolve these very serious issues. Mars and Thai Union need to reassure customers they are committing to a transparent plan to eliminate human rights abuses, slavery, and destructive fishing practices from their supply chain.”