Greenpeace is welcoming today’s announcement from the Government banning new coal boilers for industrial processing, but remains concerned that New Zealand’s biggest climate polluter – industrial agriculture – has yet to be regulated.

“This decision takes us one step closer to being the clean, green nation that so many New Zealanders want us to be,” says Greenpeace Aotearoa climate & energy campaigner, Amanda Larsson.

The Government’s decision only applies to low and medium temperature coal-fired boilers and comes into effect on 31 December this year. It is being paired with funding to support businesses to transition away from fossil fuels for industrial processing.

“Burning dirty fuels like coal, gas and oil is causing a climate crisis. Fortunately, we don’t need to do this anymore. We already have the technology and the tools to power our homes, transport and businesses with clean energy from the sun, wind, wood and water,” says Larsson.

“We can have homegrown and locally-produced energy that doesn’t pollute the air or the ocean. Today’s announcement is taking us a step closer to that reality.”

Larsson expressed disappointment, however, that the Government is asking New Zealanders to wait more than 15 years to phase out dirty fuels from the industrial sector completely. 

“The polluting companies causing climate change are putting our wellbeing at risk. We’re seeing more storms, floods and droughts that are threatening coastal communities, food security and health.

“To protect New Zealanders from the impacts of climate change, the Government must phase out all coal, gas and diesel by 2030.”

Larsson also noted that industrial process heat contributes less than a tenth of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.

“The Government needs to invest in the changes that will make the biggest difference. Right now, agriculture is New Zealand’s biggest climate polluter, responsible for nearly half of all emissions. 

“While today’s announcement is a good step in the right direction, the key thing the Government must do is to turn agriculture from a climate polluter into a climate solution. That includes phasing out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, which is driving intensive dairying, and investing significant funds into supporting farmers to transition to regenerative practices.”

Dairy cows
PETITION: Ban synthetic nitrogen fertiliser

Sign on now to call on the New Zealand Govt to ban chemical nitrogen fertiliser.

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