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  • Galápagos

    Hannah Stitfall’s been getting updates from onboard the Arctic Sunrise, one of Greenpeace’s research ships, since the beginning of the series, from Panama where it set sail out into the Galápagos Islands marine reserve.

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • Sharks

    Hollywood has a lot to answer for when it comes to how we view sharks. The Great White, we all know. But sharks have been around since before the dinosaurs,…

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • People of the Sea

    3 billion people rely on the oceans for their livelihoods. But who are they? What are their stories? Hannah Stitfall is moving away from the ocean’s wild animals this week,…

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • Octopuses

    They’re like aliens from another planet. There are over 300 species and counting, from the size of your fingernail to 10 metres across. They live on the ocean’s surface, and…

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • Wild West of the High Seas

    Did you know that pretty much anything goes in international waters? Past a certain point, national jurisdiction ends and the wild west begins. There’s no police force for the ocean,…

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • Mountains Under the Waves

    The world’s longest mountain range is actually in the middle of the ocean – the mid-Atlantic ridge, at more than 40,000 miles long. But who knows about these mountains? How…

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • Antarctica

    Antarctica is one of the harshest environments you can imagine. Winds can reach 200mph and the lowest temperature ever recorded was -89 degrees Celsius. But the monochrome above the waves…

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • The Water Planet

    Hannah Stitfall is asking all the questions you ever wanted to know about whales. Did you know they have culture? She’s joined by whale legend Hal Whitehead, whose close encounters with sperm whales and understanding of their culture has completely changed how we view these enormous animals.

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • Oceans Deep

    Hannah Stitfall is joined by submarine pilot John Hocevar to learn everything she ever wanted to know about what the ocean’s floor looks and sounds like.

    Oceans: Life Under Water
  • The Water Planet

    Welcome to the oceans. Want to know how it feels to dive 65m under the waves in a single breath? Or why worms in coral reefs are so exciting? Wildlife…

    Oceans: Life Under Water