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  • Life aboard the stop deep sea oil flotilla: April 22

    Vanessa Atkinson is a Greenpeace NZ Climate Campaigner. She has been on board the Stop Deep Sea Oil Flotilla every day that it has been at sea off the East Cape.  This is her account of one of her days on board – Friday April 22

    Vanessa Atkinson 2 min read
  • Tiama joins the flotilla to stop deep sea oil

    Henk Haazen is the owner/skipper of the yacht Tiama. He gives his perspective on the work of the Flotilla to Stop Deep Sea Oil. April 22 2011   We finally arrived…

    Henk Haazen 3 min read
  • Iwi fishing boat disrupts oil survey ship

    Today in the face of navy warship HMNZS Taupo, the crew of te Whānau ā Apanui’s fishing boat San Pietro went fishing at a safe distance in front of the deep sea oil survey ship, Orient Explorer. The longline with visible buoys was deployed within te Whānau ā Apanui ‘s customary fishing grounds.

    Nick Young 2 min read
  • Stopping deep sea oil: Vanessa’s blog April 12

    Tuesday 12th April, 2011 In the early hours of the morning, still many hours before dawn, we picked up the location of the Orient Explorer and her support vessel the…

    Vanessa Atkinson 2 min read
  • Stopping deep sea oil: Vanessa’s blog

    Climate Campaigner Vanessa Atkinson is on board one of the Stop Deep Sea Oil flotilla vessels. This is her account of life on board… Sunday 10 April As the sun…

    Vanessa Atkinson 4 min read
  • Vanessa’s blog: seismic events at sea

    First Contact We headed out of Whangaparoa at Cape Runaway under a gloomy sky at sunset on Sunday. The wind was building and as were our nerves as the next…

    Vanessa Atkinson 4 min read
  • Jef Ikeen blog

    Jef’s Blog: Toward Whangaparāoa

    Jef Ikenn is a crew member of the Stop Deep Sea Oil flotilla crew, which represents a coalition of groups that are opposed to the plans to drill for deep…

    Jef Ikenn 2 min read
  • Fighting spirit at Flotilla send off

    Copyright Greenpeace/Malcolm Pullman In speech and in song their rejection of Government approvals to allow oil exploration in their traditional water off East Cape was clear. It sent goosebumps. “This…

    Dean Baigent-Mercer 1 min read
  • Save our beaches from oil disaster

    Many of us watched dumbfounded as the oil-spill disaster in the US Gulf of Mexico unfolded in 2010. Amazingly, as the oil was gushing from BP’s well, Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee was issuing permits for deepwater exploration to be carried out here. Mr Brownlee never questioned Petrobras’ environmental record – which happens to…

    Greenpeace New Zealand
  • Fonterra embarrasses the Government over palm kernel

    On Saturday five Greenpeace activists took action on a shipment of palm kernel entering the Port of New Plymouth bound for Fonterra farms. The five of them were able to stay aboard the ship, locked in the crane cabs and on the anchor chain for 12 hours. Their action brought this important issue back into…

    Nick Young 3 min read