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  • From truffle to light crude; oil doesn’t come cheap

    The Governments oil salesman Simon Bridges just can’t catch a break these days. Whether it’s having to admit that he’d never even heard of NZ’s largest forest park (Victoria FP) which he’d just opened up to drillers or getting stick for allowing oil exploration in the home of the last 55 Maui’s dolphins on earth,…

    John Dunford 1 min read
  • Arctic Sanctuary Report

    Arctic Sanctuary

    Arctic coastal states are keen to lay claim on the valuable resources found beyond their national boundaries, and they have all submitted applications to extend their polar seabeds. Governments and…

    Nick Young
  • Anadarko court case lost, but cowboys exposed

    After the protests at sea against the Brazilian oil giant Petrobras’ deep sea drilling exploits off the East Cape were so successful, the National Government made certain aspects of protest at sea illegal with the Anadarko Amendment to clear the way for the Texan oil giant Anadarko to have a crack.

    Nick Young 3 min read
  • A frosty reception for John Key’s budget from a surprise guest…

    If you go down to the concrete jungle today, you’re sure to get a surprise. If you’re in town to cut some deals, you’ll never believe your eyes.

    Nathan Argent 2 min read
  • Is the Green Party banking on an oily future?

    Yesterday, the Green Party launched a pre-budget policy … “as a first step in accelerating New Zealand's transition to a smarter greener economy” …but from what we’ve seen so far, there a few glaring issues with how they propose to get the green economy into the black.

    Nathan Argent 2 min read
  • Tuna: The quick species guide

    Tuna are fish, and they are wild animals. But to many people, they are simply understood as food. It can be a bit confusing when the short hand of ‘tuna’ is used, as it covers a whole family of species, from the relatively-tiddly and widespread skipjack, right up to the majestic but beleaguered bluefins.

    Karli Thomas 4 min read
  • Simon Bridges

    Sack Simon: The forgotten forest is a bridge too far

    Sneaky buggers those forests. Hard to keep track of. One minute they’re there, next they aren’t… a bit like Members of Parliament.

    Ana Mules 1 min read
  • NZ Govt energy policy: fiscal idiocy and atmospheric self-harm

    As the IPPC report predicts dire consequences for New Zealand, our politicians talk only about ‘adaptation’ to Climate Change while carving up NZ for more fossil fuel exploration and maintaining an 'all of the above' approach to energy that even Simon Bridges thinks is just good rhetoric.

    Rosalind Atkinson 3 min read
  • Government Oil Announcement Tomorrow: Greenpeace Comment

    Auckland, 1 April 2014 - Commenting ahead of tomorrow’s government announcement about new oil drilling exploration areas in New Zealand, Nathan Argent, Greenpeace’s chief policy advisor, said:

    Greenpeace New Zealand
  • Bridges admits his ‘all of the above’ energy approach is just “good rhetoric”

    On Thursday, our Minister for Energy, Simon Bridges, attended the National Energy Research Institute (NERI) organised Energy Conference in Wellington, in order to launch his Smart Grid Forum initiative. It would be great if this signalled a change of heart, a shift away from the aggressive fossil fuel policy that has recently seen him travel…

    Rosalind Atkinson 3 min read