A vision for the future

Some NZ Farmers are already showing how to turn agriculture from being our biggest polluter into one of the best climate solutions. 

Help spread the word and show others what’s possible when we work with nature, rather than against it.

Across Aotearoa, there are farmers who are switching to regenerative organic farming, which works with nature to rebuild soil, clean up waterways, bring back wildlife and store carbon as they grow great food. 

“Agriculture undoubtedly is one of the biggest polluters on the planet, along with energy, economics and population. But agriculture is the big one that we can turn around.”
Greg, Central Hawkes Bay Farmer

It’s not easy for every farmer to make this switch. Which is why we need the Government to help. Join our call to support farmers in the transition to regenerative agriculture.


We can have a thriving countryside, where farmers have the freedom to focus on the things that matter most to them and to most of us, like the health of the land, rivers, animals, our families and our communities.

But, right now, many farmers are constrained by the pressures of intensive dairying. In the last decades, small family farms have been bought out by big corporate producers that can shoulder the huge cost of expensive synthetic fertiliser, irrigation and feed. The Government played an active part, including by constructing a synthetic fertiliser factory, subsidising massive irrigation schemes and encouraging the draining of wetlands.

Ardern’s government needs to turn this around and start supporting the shift to regenerative organic farming. Turning our country’s biggest polluter into a leading climate solution would have an overwhelmingly bigger impact than anything you or I could do as individuals. We can have thriving rural communities where the land, animals and people are healthy. And where our climate is safe for our children, grandchildren and all generations to come.

You can help by spreading the word. Share this page with your friends, family, whanau and help build a better future for Aotearoa.