When you think of the future, what would you like your legacy to be?

By pledging a gift to Greenpeace in your Will, you are investing in a green and peaceful future. You are taking action to help this world flourish for generations to come. You are funding environmental activism and promoting solutions long into the future.

Thank you for considering this incredible action; you are going to change the world.

How your gift will change the world

We believe that a better world is not only possible, but that it’s already beginning. 

With the true force of people-power, we celebrate a long-history of victories for this planet, and for Aotearoa New Zealand. You are part of that history.

By pledging a gift to Greenpeace in your Will, you will be joining a growing community of thousands of passionate supporters who have decided to make a lasting impact and leave a legacy for future generations.

Almost all of us have the capacity to defend and protect the future of the world through a gift in our Will. Any gift, however small or large, will make sure that your legacy can continue working to protect the future of our planet and for all those who call it home.

How to leave a gift to Greenpeace in your Will

Leaving a gift to Greenpeace in your Will is easy. Next time you see your solicitor to update your Will, just mention you would like to leave a gift to Greenpeace Aotearoa inc. or better yet, simply take a copy of the wording below! Leaving a gift in your Will is such a powerful way to take action to protect the Earth. It is a simple process, however, to ensure your wishes are met it is important that you speak to a legal advisor.

To leave a gift to Greenpeace in your Will, we recommend you use the wording on this page to ensure your wishes are clear.

“I give Greenpeace Aotearoa Inc. (currently registered with Charity Services Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai with registration number CC58459) 

  • ___% of my estate OR 
  • the rest and residue of my estate OR
  • the sum of $__ (fixed amount)

for the purposes of Greenpeace Aotearoa Inc. and particularly including in support of campaigning for the climate and biodiversity. I declare that this gift shall be free of any tax or probate or estate duties payable upon or in consequence of my death, and the receipt of the Executive Director, Treasurer or another authorised officer of Greenpeace Aotearoa Inc. shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Write your Will for just $80

Greenpeace Aotearoa is working with Safewill to give Greenpeace Aotearoa supporters the opportunity to write your Will for only $80 (normally $160). Visit www.safewill.com/nz/greenpeaceaotearoa to find out more.

Need a little help?

You can contact us, or we can contact you.

Danny Dyson

If you have any questions or would like to have a confidential, no-obligation chat about leaving a gift or what it could help achieve, please get in touch with Danny Dyson on 09-200-4138 | ext 62 or email: [email protected]

You can download some information about the practical details of leaving a gift in your Will, such as our legal name. The information can be stored until the time is right for you to visit a legal advisor. 

Contact us

Contact us now to learn more about your gift in will to Greenpeace:

You can opt out via a link in all our regular emails. Greenpeace believes you have a right to privacy on the web, and your data is safe with us.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Thank you for considering Greenpeace in your Will

A gift to Greenpeace in your Will means your memory and ideals live on, assisting future generations to protect this fragile earth and all who call it home. Thank you again for sharing the hope of a greener, more peaceful future. 

We recognise the trust that you place in Greenpeace when you choose to leave us a gift in your Will. 

If you make the generous gesture of putting a gift to Greenpeace in your Will, please let us know. This allows us to thank you for your beautiful act and keep you up to date on the work that you’re supporting.

Our promise to you

We promise: 


Katerina Seligman

I decided to leave a gift to Greenpeace in my Will because I believe the organization does genuinely worthwhile work towards creating healthier natural ecosystems and a happier and more equitable world for people.

Alison Hedges

I have always been conscious of our environment & the wildlife & animals contained within. It’s how I was brought up in the 60’s & 70’s & recycling & reusing played a big part of that even back then.

I decided to leave Greenpeace a gift in my Will because it’s one small thing I can do to help ensure that the great work Greenpeace does to protect our world & ensure its survival will continue beyond my lifetime & into the future.

Pauline Faiers

Greenpeace is very impressive in the wide range of projects and localities they take on. Their great percentage of success and the number of willing and capable people they attract to “do the job” is unique.

Absolutely fabulous and the world is a much better place for having them around.

Kit Withers

Greenpeace fights hard against the corporations that corrupt governments, destroy our oceans, and have devoured most of our biomass. As the head of the UN said, we are driving towards climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.

It is of the utmost emergency that we ACT now. Go Greenpeace!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a Will?

We recommend that you speak to a legal advisor to ensure your wishes are met and that your Will is legal. Alternatively, there are websites that enable you to write your Will using their templates. Greenpeace Aotearoa is working with Safewill to give Greenpeace Aotearoa supporters the opportunity to write your Will for only $80 (normally $160). Visit www.safewill.com/nz/greenpeaceaotearoa to find out more.

What is the best type of gift to leave in my Will?

There are many ways to include Greenpeace in your Will. The best types of gift (also known as a bequest) to leave in your Will are a residual gift or a percentage of your Estate.

A residuary: This is a gift of whatever is left in your estate after you have taken care of your loved ones.

A percentage: This is often regarded as the most flexible and effective way to give. You don’t need to adjust the value of your gift over time to account for inflation or any changes to your total assets. A small percentage – 10%, 5% or even 1% – can make a big difference to the future.

You can also choose to leave a fixed amount (or a specific sum). Whilst a fixed amount means you are able to declare the size of the gift you want to make, it can also mean you may want to change it over the years to account for inflation or changes in your circumstances.

How do I amend or change my current Will?

If you already have a Will and would like to include a gift to Greenpeace, you don’t have to update it all. Instead, you can make a codicil – an additional or supplementary Will that is made after the original Will has been signed. The codicil doesn’t cancel the original Will, it changes or adds to it.

If you wish, please take a copy of our wording with you next time you see your solicitor and they can simply update your existing Will for you

Can I leave a gift and still make sure my family and loved ones are cared for?

Absolutely! A residual gift or a percentage is the perfect charitable bequest to ensure that your loved ones are cared for before you leave a gift to Greenpeace.

It is after you have taken care of your family and loved ones, that you can leave a lasting legacy that ensures your values live on by including Greenpeace in your Will.

I don’t have a lot of money, can I still leave a gift to Greenpeace?

Almost all of us have the capacity to defend and protect the future of the world through a gift in our Will. Any gift, however small or large, will make sure that your legacy can continue working to protect the future of our planet and for all those who call it home.

Greenpeace never accepts money from governments or corporations. It’s this fierce independence that means we can bring the corrupt and the greedy to account, no matter how rich and powerful they are. It also means that we rely entirely on the support of individuals like you to fund our campaigns, investigations and activism around the world. Right now, gifts in Wills (also known as bequests) make up 6% of our annual funding and this allows Greenpeace to be where we are most needed.

What will Greenpeace do with my gift?

Here in Aotearoa, we seek to bring to life a vision of a land and an ocean full of biodiversity, unpolluted and protected, for all to enjoy. Where our rivers are clean again and our food is produced in harmony with nature. A place where our homes, Marae, schools, businesses and transport are powered by renewable energy. And where our towns and cities are designed for people and communities.

We recognise the trust that you place in Greenpeace when you choose to leave us a gift in your Will. We promise to take responsibility to ensure your gift is used to make the maximum difference and has the most impact. Right now, gifts in Wills (also known as bequests) make up 6% of our annual funding and this allows Greenpeace to be where we are most needed.

How do I contact you?

If you have any questions or would like to have a confidential, no-obligation chat about leaving a gift or what it could help achieve, please get in touch with Danny Dyson on 09 200 4138 or email [email protected]

Information for legal advisors

If you are looking for information on how to leave a gift to Greenpeace Aotearoa on behalf of a client, we have listed out some information you might need below. If you need any further information, please get in touch with Danny Dyson on 09 200 4138 or by email at [email protected]

Legal name: Greenpeace Aotearoa Incorporated
Charity number: CC58459
Address: PB 92507, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142