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  • License to Kill?

    This paper provides an estimate of the health damages and economic costs that would be avoided if Eskom was made to fully comply with the national air emission standards -- the very standards it is currently trying to bypass.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • 2013 Annual Report

    This annual report provides a summary of the activities carried out in different parts of Africa in an effort to curtail some of e pressing environmental challenges of our time, including: climate…

  • Powering The Future

    Our latest report, released on the eve of the BRICS summit in Durban, busts prevailing myths around green energy and reaffirms why renewables are the best option for powering South Africa.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Eskom has failed South Africans: it’s time for new management

    Today, we joined forces with two other environmental organisation - Earthlife Africa Johannesburg and groundWork, to put South Africa’s energy utility, Eskom, under new management.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Eskom Set to Accelerate Water Crisis

    Coal-fired electricity is a major threat to South Africa’s already stressed water resources – and Eskom’s new mega coal plants are set to make matters even worse, further compromising water access for the poor. Currently almost a million South African households still have no access to water.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • A Beginner’s Guide To Nuclear Power

    Before a nuclear reactor lands on your doorstep, let's start at the very beginning with ten questions to get you clued up on what nuclear power is all about.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • The True Cost of Coal

    Catastrophic climate change and uncontrollable debt are burdens South Africans will have to bear for their government’s addiction to coal. On top of the escalating construction costs for Kusile, the monstrous coal-fired power plant, the country will have to pay up to R60.6 billion per year for the external costs associated with it.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • The True Cost of Nuclear Energy

    Our new report highlights once again that nuclear power is a dead-end: it would lock the country into an out-dated, expensive and deadly energy future.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Eskom: Clean Up Your Act!

    Greenpeace Africa activists used three dumper trucks to unload five tonnes of coal in front of the Eskom Megawatt Park offices, effectively blocking one of the entrances to the building with the coal.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Bialowieza Forest in Early Summer. © Anonymous

    Crisis for FSC in the Congo Basin?

    Greenpeace and many other Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) members and stakeholders are seriously concerned that an increasing number of FSC certificates are being granted around the world to logging companies that do not meet the international principles and criteria for forest stewardship, or key policies and standards.

    Greenpeace Africa