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  • March of the penguins

    This morning, people around the world are waking up to pictures of penguin sightings across the globe. The penguins have been spotted travelling on trains, arriving at international airports and at iconic landmarks. From Sydney to Buenos Aires and from London to Johannesburg, the question on everybody’s mind - what are they here for?

    Akshey Kalra 3 min read
  • Ecological farmers teach methods to face drought to conventional farmers

    Starting from Tuesday, the 11th and till today the 13th of April, the Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) with Greenpeace Africa are supporting the Farmer 2 Farmer Drought Resilience work in Machakos county.

    Greenpeace Africa 1 min read
  • It’s 6 goals to green o’clock!

    This very smart 4 year old inspired me to think differently of fulfilling the sometimes scary “new year’s resolutions”. With a new year, most of us feel inspired and empowered to change, stop and/or start new habits, what if we did this differently? What if we set new goals and then came up with sub-goals…

    Lerato Tsotetsi 3 min read
  • 10 good reasons to protect whales

    Killing whales for food has been happening for millennia. But it was commercial whaling – turning whales into barrels of oil for profit – that led to the wholesale destruction of most of the world’s populations of big whales.The loss of whales from our oceans is the same story as overfishing of big fish –…

    Willie Mackenzie 3 min read
  • The Great Water Grab

    Water is essential for all life on earth and plays a central role in human development: from sanitation and health, to food and energy production, to industrial activities and economic development. However, human activities are depleting our planet’s water resources at an alarming rate.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • SONA exposes lack of leadership on key environmental issues: Greenpeace

    Johannesburg, 11 February 2016:

    Greenpeace Africa 1 min read
  • Eskom Set to Accelerate Water Crisis

    Coal-fired electricity is a major threat to South Africa’s already stressed water resources – and Eskom’s new mega coal plants are set to make matters even worse, further compromising water access for the poor. Currently almost a million South African households still have no access to water.

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read