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  • It’s 6 goals to green o’clock!

    This very smart 4 year old inspired me to think differently of fulfilling the sometimes scary “new year’s resolutions”. With a new year, most of us feel inspired and empowered to change, stop and/or start new habits, what if we did this differently? What if we set new goals and then came up with sub-goals…

    Lerato Tsotetsi 3 min read
  • Shopping on Sunshine

    The diary of a Solar Lover - Part 1

    Spume Msomi 2 min read
  • 7 things you can do for the planet this Earth Day

    More than 45 years ago – on the very first Earth Day – tens of millions of people decided to do something about environmental destruction. They rallied against pollution, oil spills, pesticides and deforestation… issues that continue to resonate with us today.

    Dawn Bickett 3 min read
  • New Year’s plastic resolution: 5 simple ways to help the ocean

    The New Year’s storms have brought a lurid, unmissable reminder to UK beaches, with thousands of bright pink detergent bottles being churned up by the sea. As waves of highly-visible plastic trash hit British beaches, it’s a timely reminder of a much bigger problem: we are turning our oceans into plastic soup. It’s been estimated recently that…

    Willie Mackenzie 2 min read