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  • Cooperation urgently required to ensure a future for West African fisheries

    We humans love drawing lines on maps. Over many centuries borders have been created by our peoples or have been imposed on them, separating our languages, our cultures, our traditions. But fish knows no borders, they migrate from the waters of one country to another. In West Africa, millions of people critically depend on fish…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • Honourable Minister, it is not too late to fix the situation!

    Your predecessors have legitimized a form of illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU), by allowing fishing companies to underreport the gross tonnage of their industrial vessels for more than thirty years in Senegal. They have enabled these vessels to access fishing zones that would have been inaccessible to them. By ignoring this unacceptable fraud, previous…

    Prudence Wanko 2 min read
  • Fraud on the gross tonnage by industrial fishing vessels

    Dakar, 24 March 2016 - A coalition of fisheries stakeholders and civil society organizations, consisting of associations of artisanal fishermen, women processors, fishmongers, marine officers, and marine and environmental associations, is calling on the Minister of fisheries and maritime Economy of Senegal to give an immediate response concerning the measures taken by the government against…

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read
  • Evening on the Esperanza

    After driving two hundred kilometers in a car with no air-con and hardly any fresh air, I finally found my way around a rather confusing harbor till I saw that…

    Sarah Visser 1 min read
  • New Year’s plastic resolution: 5 simple ways to help the ocean

    The New Year’s storms have brought a lurid, unmissable reminder to UK beaches, with thousands of bright pink detergent bottles being churned up by the sea. As waves of highly-visible plastic trash hit British beaches, it’s a timely reminder of a much bigger problem: we are turning our oceans into plastic soup. It’s been estimated recently that…

    Willie Mackenzie 2 min read