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  • A day at sea: Wildlife encounters

    On March 1st 2017, the Esperanza ship sailed to the Praia harbour in Cape Verde to begin its journey in West African waters. One goal: show local governments that there is a serious need for strong regional fisheries management.

    Maryline Mangenot 1 min read
  • Our oceans, our responsibility

    For some people the oceans may seem vast - to me they are my garden and my home. For the last three decades I have spent most of my life as a sailor and a captain. So you can imagine I feel a special tie to our blue planet. The many years at sea also…

    Mike Fincken 3 min read
  • The Rainbow Warrior Arrives in Cape Town. © Justin Sholk

    Greenpeace ship MY Esperanza sails into West Africa waters

    Praia, 24th February 2017. The Greenpeace ship My Esperanza has today docked at the port of Praia in Cape Verde. For eleven weeks the Esperanza will sail the waters of six West Africa States - Cape Verde, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Senegal to raise awareness on the state of fisheries through political…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • Acoustic Research Conducted near the US Atlantic Coast. © Tim Aubry

    New trade protections for sharks – but are they enough?

    Like it or not, around the world many species of animals are seen as tradeable commodities – for things like food, fur, fashion or medicine. Of course we know that historically hunting animals for commercial gain has often been really bad news for the animals concerned. Just stop and think about some of the most…

    Willie Mackenzie 4 min read
  • Whale Fail – no new sanctuary in the South Atlantic (again).

    Bad news from the 2016 International Whaling Commission meeting – as the first significant vote was another disappointment for whales and supporters of conservation. Despite getting a majority of votes in favour, the proposal to create a South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary did not pass, because it was short of the three-quarters majority needed.

    Willie Mackenzie 2 min read
  • 10 good reasons to protect whales

    Killing whales for food has been happening for millennia. But it was commercial whaling – turning whales into barrels of oil for profit – that led to the wholesale destruction of most of the world’s populations of big whales.The loss of whales from our oceans is the same story as overfishing of big fish –…

    Willie Mackenzie 3 min read
  • News worth celebrating! Megadam in the heart of Amazon cancelled

    This Wednesday, I had barely had breakfast when I was surprised by some absolutely amazing news: the Brazilian environmental agency – IBAMA – announced it would cancel the process for…

    Danicley Aguiar 2 min read
  • One million stand up for the Tapajós River!

    The global campaign for the protection of the Tapajos River and Munduruku people has received the support of one million people coinciding with the visit of Greenpeace International Executive Director, Bunny Mcdiarmid.

    ltsotets 3 min read
  • Sight on the target – Tackling destructive fishing

    Now that I’m back from my mission on our biggest, fastest Greenpeace ship the Esperanza as part of the #justnottuna expedition. I get a chance to reflect on my experience been on board the majestic Esperanza and been part of the #justnottuna 2016 expedition.

    Delwyn Pillay 3 min read
  • Greenpeace leaves the CECAF meeting with mixed feelings

    After four years without any annual meetings, the CECAF (Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic) got together. Millions of people depend on fish resources in the region and the common wealth that lies in our ocean ecosystems is being steadily depleted. That shows the urgent need for countries to finally sit together to discuss…

    Marie Suzanne Traoré 2 min read