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  • Walking through the tropical swamps of DRC

    Planet Lovers & Protectors, my name is Capucine Dayen, International Communications Coordinator for Greenpeace Africa, but I go by Caps. In June last year, I joined the Congo Basin Forest Campaign Team and together we work to protect the second largest rainforest in the world from deforestation. It would probably take pages and pages for…

    Capucine Dayen 2 min read
  • Forest Beauty in Cameroon. © Maureen Grisot

    Democratic Republic of Congo government must halt plans to open up the world’s second largest rainforest to loggers

    Over 50 environmental, conservation and human rights organisations are calling on the international community urgently to intervene to help protect the vast rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), following announcements by the country’s Environment Ministry that they intend to lift a legal moratorium on the allocation of new areas of forest for large-scale…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • Sodefor Concession in Congo. © Kate Davison

    DRC government reinstates illegal logging concessions in breach of its own moratorium

    Kinshasa, 20 February 2018: The Congolese Minister of Environment, Amy Ambatobe, has reinstated 6,500 km² of logging concessions that were cancelled in August 2016 by the then Environment Minister Robert Bopolo following instructions from then Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo. The three concessions reinstated on 1 February 2018 were awarded to the Chinese-owned logging companies…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • Let the Moratorium be!

    With the recent confirmation that the Congo Basin forest hosts the world’s biggest tropical peatland, the importance of this forest is now drawing global attention. It has a huge role to play in the protection of our global climate.

    Victorine Che Thoener 3 min read
  • Primary Forest in Papua. © Ulet  Ifansasti

    Statement on the announcement that the government of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has started a process to lift its moratorium on the allocation of new logging concessions

    Bonn, 12 November 2017: We are alarmed that, as it speaks at COP23 on behalf of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations on the importance of protecting its forests, the government of DRC has held a meeting in Kinshasa on 10 November to start a process that would lead to the destruction of large areas of…

    Greenpeace Africa 1 min read
  • The Congo Basin forests made us dance

    My name is Hermann Fondjo and I am an environmentalist activist and a volunteer for Greenpeace Africa. As the journey of the Greenpeace ship the Esperanza takes it along the…

    Hermann Fondjo 2 min read
  • Why we’re sailing into the Congo Basin forest!

     By Mike Fincken

    Mike Fincken 2 min read
  • Give the Congo Basin forest a chance

    Approaching the forest in the Congo, I am met with an overwhelming wall of green. Flying over it, I see the meandering rivers merging together. I see animals drinking from the rivers, frolicking with joy in the water. Walking into the forest, I hear a chorus of teeming life – birds, lowland and mountain gorillas,…

    Victorine Che Thoener 3 min read
  • Our land should unite, not antagonize us!

    On August 5, 2017, four days before the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, I was deeply troubled by news of deadly confrontations between Bantu[1] and indigenous (Pygmy) communities in Tanganyika province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

    Alain Binibangili 3 min read
  • Sodefor Concession in Congo. © Kate Davison

    Norway and France threaten DRC’s forests

    An area of rainforest the size of Italy is at risk of being cut down by loggers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), if the Norwegian government approves a French Development Agency (AFD) proposal to expand industrial logging there starting 2018.

    Greenpeace Africa