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  • Penguins March to Cape Town

    People around the world are waking up to pictures of penguin sightings across the globe. The penguins have been spotted travelling on trains, arriving at international airports and at iconic…

    Akshley Kalra 1 min read
  • Our land should unite, not antagonize us!

    On August 5, 2017, four days before the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, I was deeply troubled by news of deadly confrontations between Bantu[1] and indigenous (Pygmy) communities in Tanganyika province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

    Alain Binibangili 3 min read
  • Let’s stop SGSOC palm oil plantation project

    When I arrived in Babensi II village last July, the whole community was desperately expecting Greenpeace and its partners to provide them with answers and solutions to get their land back. For three years now, many of them have been deprived of their farms and crops, taken by SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon (SGSOC) palm oil…

    Sylvie Djacbou Deugoue 3 min read
  • One million stand up for the Tapajós River!

    The global campaign for the protection of the Tapajos River and Munduruku people has received the support of one million people coinciding with the visit of Greenpeace International Executive Director, Bunny Mcdiarmid.

    ltsotets 3 min read
  • The new name behind the threat to Cameroon’s Forests

    After the slowdown of the destructive Herakles Farms palm oil project in Cameroon, following extensive environmental and social opposition, we had hope for the future. However, it now looks like the infamous operation is being resurrected under a new identity, with ambitions to to destroy vast areas of forest and local community land.

    Greenpeace Africa 5 min read