Nairobi, 16 July 2019: In response to the expose by NTV  revealing that meat sold in local markets is laced with dangerous chemicals to make it look fresh for longer, Greenpeace Africa has called on the government of Kenya to act now – Food Campaigner, Claire Nasike has said:

“ Meat laced with lethal chemicals on Kenya’s shopping aisles is a shocking revelation. This is the tip of the iceberg illustrating the brewing malpractices in the food industry. It is sad to see Kenya’s leaders politicising food issues instead of providing urgently needed solutions.

“This is not the first time that investigators have found illegal additives and chemicals that go into foodstuffs sold in our local markets. The government needs to tighten measures on food safety as it is of national importance.

“Government agencies such as the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), need to be proactive and ensure that Kenyans have access to safe food and that vendors selling adulterated meat are brought to book.

“Greenpeace is calling upon the government of Kenya and KEBS to act with urgency to ensure that food consumed by Kenyans is of the required standard. This will protect millions of Kenyans from consuming food that will have detrimental effects on their health. It is critical that Kenya ensures that consumers have access to safe and healthy food by empowering the local food industry to produce food in a safe and sustainable manner.”

Media Contact:

Hellen Dena,  Communications Officer,  [email protected], + 254 717 104 144