Johannesburg, 20 March 2019 — Responding to Jabu Mabuza’s announcement at yesterday’s system update media briefing that Eskom is considering whether or not to complete construction of both Medupi and Kusile, Greenpeace Africa has said:

“In the midst of a deep electricity crisis, Greenpeace Africa welcomes the news that Eskom is finally assessing whether or not to continue to sink money into Medupi and Kusile. Funding these projects further makes little sense economically and doing so will only drive South Africa further away from its international commitments to the Paris Agreement and deeper into a public health crisis. A just transition towards clean energy is the only logical option for dealing with the current energy crisis and safeguarding South Africans’ right to a healthy environment.

“It is time for sanity to prevail, and for Eskom to stop throwing money that it does not have into a black hole. It is not too late – construction at both Medupi and Kusile could be halted before completion, saving the utility money that it desperately needs, while also saving water, avoiding further pollution and premature deaths, and reducing South Africa’s contribution to climate change. However, the time for consideration is rapidly drawing to a close. It is time for decisive action.”

Media contact:

Chris Vlavianos, Communications Officer – Greenpeace Africa, [email protected], 079 883 7036