Source: Mimi Mefo

Yaounde, 23rd March 2023 Heavy rains have caused flooding and mudslides in the city of Buea, South West region, resulting in two deaths, injuries and extensive property damage. Greenpeace Africa sends its condolences to the families of the victims and calls on the Cameroonian government to be more proactive.

The weekend of March 18-19 was a trying one for the residents of the city of Buea in Cameroon. The return of the rains brought with it flooding and mudslides in the city. According to reports, two people were killed and injured in the floods and several people are still missing. In total, nearly 300 people living at the foot of Mount Cameroon have been affected.

“Climate change and extreme weather events are a reality and adaptation measures must be put in place proactively by the government, otherwise there will be more disasters and more damage. The tragedy in Buea this weekend is especially frightening because we are still in the first weeks of the rainy season,” said Ranece Jovial Ndjeudja, Greenpeace Africa’s Forest Campaigner for the Congo Basin. 

 The authorities announced that humanitarian measures to assist the victims of the floods would be implemented. “The reaction of the authorities and the assistance provided to the population, if they are fully effective, are to be welcomed and encouraged. However, the state must work upstream to avoid or at least reduce such incidents. The actions implemented after these events, although comforting, cannot unfortunately bring back people who died. These negative impacts would be greatly mitigated by the establishment and popularization of warning systems, the better use of information contained in the regular weather bulletins,  the implementation of adaptation measures and the prevention of risks and disasters contained in the convergence plan of Cameroon,” added Ranece Jovial. 

Flooding is not only a problem in the South West. On the evening of March 21, 2023, Yaoundé also experienced severe flooding after heavy rain fell on the capital city.  In 2022, 40,000 people were displaced in the far north of Cameroon due to flooding. Several cases of flooding were also observed in various other cities and towns in Cameroon.

Ranece’s audio reaction to floods is here.

 Greenpeace Africa Press Desk: [email protected] 

Luchelle Feukeng
Communication Officer
+237 656 46 35 45
[email protected] 

Ranèce Jovial Ndjeudja,
Forest Campaigner, Greenpeace Africa
+237 699901742
[email protected]