Johannesburg, 15 December 2021 – Following the publication of the National Air Quality Officer’s decision on Eskom’s far-ranging application for postponements from complying with air pollution limits (the ‘Minimum Emission Standards’), Greenpeace Africa’s Climate and Energy Campaigner Thandile Chinyavanhu has said:

“Thanks to the National Air Quality Officer’s decision to reject Eskom’s application to postpone complying with air quality legislation, South Africans can safely breathe a sigh of relief. Greenpeace Africa has been actively campaigning since 2019 to stop Eskom from obtaining a licence to kill. This decision is a victory for all the people who have stood up with us to demand clean air, by making it clear that Eskom is not only failing to comply with already weak air quality rules, but has made minimal efforts to try to do so.”

“While Greenpeace Africa believes no postponements at all should have been given, the very limited postponements granted give a clear signal to Eskom that the utility is not above the law.”

Greenpeace activists block the entrance of Eskom’s Megawatt Park headquarters in Johannesburg.

“Instead of appealing this decision, Eskom should be fast-tracking investments in renewable energy. Greenpeace Africa maintains its position that if Eskom’s decrepit, polluting coal-fired power stations can’t comply with the law, they should be closed as early as possible in a Just Transition, with investments shifted to renewable energy.”

“Coal is a dangerous dead end. Renewable energy is more than able to quickly fill the gap, but we have no time to waste, and must begin to urgently scale up our investments in renewable energy and finalise social plans for the closure of the coal-fired power stations as part of the Just Transition” ended Thandile Chinyavanhu.


Contact details:

Tal Harris, International Communications Coordinator, Greenpeace Africa: [email protected], +221-785366270

Greenpeace Africa Newsdesk: [email protected] 

Thandile Chinyavanhu, Climate and Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Africa: [email protected], +27-82 614 2676