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  • Which is the Antarctic’s top penguin?

    Not every penguin is up to the challenge of living in the Antarctic, but those that do are a special sort of awesome. Remember, they don’t have the luxury of being able to fly away again if the weather turns bad.

    Willie Mackenzie 4 min read
  • Setting sail to protect the Antarctic

    As I write this, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, is sailing South. For the next three months, the crew will be working alongside a team of campaigners, photographers, film-makers, scientists and journalists from across the globe to build the case for the world’s largest protected area: an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary.

    Will McCallum 3 min read
  • March of the penguins

    This morning, people around the world are waking up to pictures of penguin sightings across the globe. The penguins have been spotted travelling on trains, arriving at international airports and at iconic landmarks. From Sydney to Buenos Aires and from London to Johannesburg, the question on everybody’s mind - what are they here for?

    Akshey Kalra 3 min read
  • Matimba Coal Power Station in South Africa. © Shayne Robinson

    Recent engagements between Minister of Energy and civil society organisations

    Below we set out key events in recent engagements between Minister of Energy David Mahlobo and civil society organisations around the Integrated Resource Plan for Electricity and the Energy Indaba scheduled for 7-8 December 2017.

    Greenpeace Africa 4 min read
  • A cost that curses!

    On November 21st, s the World was celebrating Fisheries Day, Greenpeace Africa chose this symbolic date to publish its report” The cost of ocean Destruction”

    Prudence Wanko 2 min read
  • Activists close down the Department of Environmental Affairs, Pretoria

    30 November, 2017: Greenpeace Africa and Earthlife Africa Jhb activists have today confronted the Department of Environmental Affairs by blocking the main entrance to the Department with nuclear barrels. The activists made a public demand that the Department of Environmental Affairs withdraws the environmental authorisation that has been issued for a proposed nuclear power station…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • The Department of Environmental Affairs is selling our future to the highest bidder

    The Department of Environmental Affairs is responsible for ensuring that our constitutional right to a healthy environment is realised, but recently the Department went against all of those principles when they granted an Environmental Authorisation for a nuclear power station to be constructed at Duynefontein in the Western Cape.

    Penny-Jane Cooke 2 min read
  • Artisanal Fishermen in Senegal. © Clément  Tardif

    The Cost of Ocean Destruction

    West Africa’s coastal waters lie within one of four of the world’s major ocean upwellings, all of which can be found on the eastern boundaries of the Pacifc and Atlantic oceans. This oceanographic phenomenon brings nutrient rich waters to the surface, ensuring an extraordinary abundance and productivity of life underneath the surface.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • World Oceans Day 'Flash Mob' in Dakar. © Clément  Tardif
  • Let the Moratorium be!

    With the recent confirmation that the Congo Basin forest hosts the world’s biggest tropical peatland, the importance of this forest is now drawing global attention. It has a huge role to play in the protection of our global climate.

    Victorine Che Thoener 3 min read