At Ubunifu Hub, our focus is to empower the minds and transform the hearts of the youth into environmental defenders and activists who are innovative and capable of bravely advocating for and working towards a clean and safe environment.

We identify the environmental spark in the youth group and we work together to strengthen their passion for climate action and also light up the dark tunnel of environmental injustices, for upcoming young environmentalists. Growing the environmental movement is the goal.

We see the joy in the face of the trainees when we hand them their certificate of completion. However, for this to happen the trainees must undergo a training process that is time consuming, mentally and physically demanding for  six weeks. 

It is a journey of learning and unlearning for both the trainees and trainers. As a trainer, I have the opportunity to listen to very inspiring climate action stories from the trainees on how they came together, identified their common passion for the environment and then established an environmental based youth group. 

Interestingly, even with their little resources, they are committed to serving their communities by striving to turn climate anxiety into climate hope and recruiting more young environmentalists into their fold. More so, the most touching part is how they struggle against all odds of those who want the status quo to remain since they financially and selfishly benefit from the environmental chaos they perpetuate. For them, giving up is not an option. 

Without shying off and amidst the difficulties they go through, they still believe that their small climate action will multiply, bear fruits and finally live to experience the clean neighborhood they once enjoyed in their childhood years.  These are stories that the world must know for they naturally give hope and inspire environmental changes that we are all yearning for in the world.   

Our weekly training sessions are very interactive, joyous and mutually educative, At the beginning of these trainings, most of the trainees come in full of stage fright but progressively evolve into courageous youth who are able to confidently speak in front of their class and also having attained presentation skills on how to pitch an environmental based proposal.

From my experience, I see these youth leave the Hub with more confidence and exude leadership skills. We are proud to play a part in nurturing young environmental leaders, with the hope that we shall have leaders who will challenge the leadership system and be champions of sustainable development which is rooted in a circular economy. The whole process is amazing; the fruits of a holistic training session. 

Our training package at Ubunifu Hub is marked with four main pillars which are; Climate Justice, Advocacy, Innovation, and Youth Empowerment & Engagement. What a deal it is for youth with environmental initiatives! Luckily, we plan to reach out to more youth with environmental projects and journey with you. 

At the end of the training the trainees are equipped with expounded knowledge and skills to better their climate actions in a more organized manner and from a point of information. Better still, the trainees are given a chance to write a proposal to the Hub which, after a rigorous vetting process, they get funding to boost their environmental projects. 

In all, I can affirm that when these trainees graduated, they have now placed themselves in an advantageous position for being empowered and more convinced to continue finding more meaning in what they do on matters of the environment.

Step-by-step, I know that they will become more proactive in their individual and collective work of cleaning the polluted areas of mother nature; and turn the mess into a clean and safe environment for us the people, the fauna and the flora.

There is hope. To our graduates, we celebrate you and we say; Aluta Continua!