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  • Farmer Theresa Makena in Kenya

    Africa’s forests under threat

    On 23 February 2016, Greenpeace France published a report titled Africa’s forests under threat: Investigation of the investments of the Bolloré Group and its Belgian partner Hubert Fabri,1 which shed light on the threats that the Société Financière des Caoutchoucs (Socfin) represents for African tropical forests by its refusal to commit to a zero deforestation…

    Greenpeace Africa
  • The new name behind the threat to Cameroon’s Forests

    After the slowdown of the destructive Herakles Farms palm oil project in Cameroon, following extensive environmental and social opposition, we had hope for the future. However, it now looks like the infamous operation is being resurrected under a new identity, with ambitions to to destroy vast areas of forest and local community land.

    Greenpeace Africa 5 min read
  • Shopping Clean – Retailers and Renewable Energy

    South Africa’s top five retailers (Pick n Pay, Massmart, Spar, Woolworths and Shoprite) have a major role to play in shaping sustainable growth in the energy sector and need to champion South Africa’s transition to 100% renewable energy, according to the latest report launched today by Greenpeace Africa.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Greenpeace ranks Pick n Pay, Massmart, Spar, Woolworths and Shoprite on commitments to a 100% renewable energy vision

    Johannesburg, 19 April 2016 – South Africa’s top five retailers (Pick n Pay, Massmart, Spar, Woolworths and Shoprite) have a major role to play in shaping sustainable growth in the energy sector and need to champion South Africa’s transition to 100% renewable energy, according to the latest report launched today by Greenpeace Africa.

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read
  • Honourable Minister, it is not too late to fix the situation!

    Your predecessors have legitimized a form of illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU), by allowing fishing companies to underreport the gross tonnage of their industrial vessels for more than thirty years in Senegal. They have enabled these vessels to access fishing zones that would have been inaccessible to them. By ignoring this unacceptable fraud, previous…

    Prudence Wanko 2 min read
  • Fraud on the gross tonnage by industrial fishing vessels

    Dakar, 24 March 2016 - A coalition of fisheries stakeholders and civil society organizations, consisting of associations of artisanal fishermen, women processors, fishmongers, marine officers, and marine and environmental associations, is calling on the Minister of fisheries and maritime Economy of Senegal to give an immediate response concerning the measures taken by the government against…

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read
  • Investigation: How illegal timber from Cameroon’s rainforest could be landing in China’s ports

    Chinese firms are importing large quantities of wood which may be illegally cut from African rainforests – according to an ongoing Greenpeace investigation into one of the leading Cameroonian suppliers…

    Damian Kahya 3 min read
  • Evening on the Esperanza

    After driving two hundred kilometers in a car with no air-con and hardly any fresh air, I finally found my way around a rather confusing harbor till I saw that…

    Sarah Visser 1 min read
  • Fukushima 5 years on: South Africa prioritizes nuclear over economy and education

    On the 11th of March 2016 it will be five years since the devastating nuclear meltdown occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station in Japan. In 2011, a massive 9.0 earthquake unleashed a tsunami that devastated the seaboard and claimed the lives of 15 893 people. Another 6 152 people were injured and approximately…

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read
  • Dutch impose sanctions for violation of EU timber regulations

    Yaoundé, 9 March 2016 - The Netherlands has today imposed a first-ever sanction on a Dutch company for violating the European Timber Regulation. The sanction follows a Greenpeace investigation into the controversial Cameroonian timber trader CCT, who is sourcing timber from companies involved in illegally logging and exporting timber to several countries in Europe, including…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read