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  • World Food Day 2018 in Kenya. © Paul Basweti
  • Locals Collect Water at Brewery Spring in Newlands, Cape Town. © Kevin Sawyer

    Greenpeace implores The President of South Africa to declare Cape Town a national disaster

    Johannesburg, 6 February 2018 - Greenpeace Africa began a petition calling on the President of South Africa to declare the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces national disaster areas. Within in 10 days, 2769 citizens of South Africa and the international community have sent an email containing the petition directly to the office of the Presidency.

    Lerato Ngakane 2 min read
  • 5 things you (probably) didn’t know about the Antarctic

    In 2017 we launched a campaign to create an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary – the largest protected area on Earth. But why? Well, apart from being home to amazing animals such…

    Samantha Wockner 5 min read
  • Greenpeace Africa’s Executive Director Wins a Prestigious Human Rights Award

    Nairobi, January 30, 2018: Greenpeace Africa’s Executive Director, Njeri Kabeberi, has won the 2017 Munir Mazrui ‘Lifetime Achievement Human Rights Defenders Award’ in a ceremony organised by the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (NCHRD-K) at the Royal Netherlands embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. This is one of three categories of Human Rights Defenders (HRD) Awards…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • Proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill Unconstitutional says Greenpeace Africa

    Cape Town, 30 January 2018 - Greenpeace Africa is in the parliament today to make a presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police on the proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill. We believe the proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill is unconstitutional as it will limit the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights in a…

    Lerato Ngakane
  • Light at the end of the tunnel

    26 January 2018 - Greenpeace Africa welcomes Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement on South Africa’ energy future at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. With Eskom’s future hanging in the balance, it is clear how critical it is to make the appropriate energy investments to boost the economy and benefit the people of…

    Lerato Ngakane 1 min read

    In this January edition, learn about our journey through the Congo Basin forest, the Climate March at the UN Climate Conference in Bonn, what we got upto on International Coastal Clean-Up Day and more!

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Which is the Antarctic’s top penguin?

    Not every penguin is up to the challenge of living in the Antarctic, but those that do are a special sort of awesome. Remember, they don’t have the luxury of being able to fly away again if the weather turns bad.

    Willie Mackenzie 4 min read
  • Setting sail to protect the Antarctic

    As I write this, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, is sailing South. For the next three months, the crew will be working alongside a team of campaigners, photographers, film-makers, scientists and journalists from across the globe to build the case for the world’s largest protected area: an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary.

    Will McCallum 3 min read
  • March of the penguins

    This morning, people around the world are waking up to pictures of penguin sightings across the globe. The penguins have been spotted travelling on trains, arriving at international airports and at iconic landmarks. From Sydney to Buenos Aires and from London to Johannesburg, the question on everybody’s mind - what are they here for?

    Akshey Kalra 3 min read