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  • Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey

    Dear Friends,  As I look out my window here in Amsterdam, winter is nearly here, and with it comes the retreat of another year, and the passing of what has…

    Kumi Naidoo 7 min read
  • Cyberactivism:

    So you want to join the online revolution! Are you computer savvy and comfortable with social networking tools? Maybe you’re located far from any of our regional offices, yet you want to make a difference and volunteer your time? Well guess what, there ARE ways to pressure governments and corporations to make the ethical choice…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read
  • A Beginner’s Guide To Nuclear Power

    Before a nuclear reactor lands on your doorstep, let's start at the very beginning with ten questions to get you clued up on what nuclear power is all about.

    Greenpeace Africa 5 min read
  • The True Cost of Coal

    Catastrophic climate change and uncontrollable debt are burdens South Africans will have to bear for their government’s addiction to coal. On top of the escalating construction costs for Kusile, the monstrous coal-fired power plant, the country will have to pay up to R60.6 billion per year for the external costs associated with it.

    Greenpeace Africa
  • Mama Sara Obama at Solar Panels Installation in Kenya. © Richard  Dobson

    Greenpeace and Jericho launch the Kgathollo ya Solar (Solar Kickoff)

    The world cup kicks off in six days time – but the benefits of this soccer spectacular will be felt for a long time afterwards, thanks to the innovative Solar public viewing area in Jericho, Brits. Next Friday June 11 2010, the world will hold its breath as the first ever soccer world cup to…

    Greenpeace Africa 2 min read