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  • 3 Water-related Petitions to Sign this World Water Day


    Angelo Louw 2 min read
  • Who is tampering with our water?

    “We have a single opportunity, to change the narrative on water, by acting timeously in pursuit of a more promising future, in a better world, which should never face the scenario of the last single drop of water, in our lifetime and for generations to come”. - President Cyril Ramaphosa 

    Lerato Ngakane 2 min read
  • Mega coal plants versus people of South Africa: The battle for clean water

    South Africa is currently facing up to the reality of a mega water crisis over three provinces. The water crisis has been declared a national disaster, which means that the national government recognises that the impacts of the water crisis go well beyond just the three provinces that have been named. An additional R6 billion…

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read
  • Pressing forward with Greenpeace Africa: gender parity worth emulating

    A question that keeps lurking in my mind in our competitive world is: “Does gender equality make the world a better place?” I will say YES! It’s saddening after how…

    Ngumfor Abinwi 2 min read
  • A little more on plastics

    Plastic bags - what's not to love about them. They are cheap and lightweight enough for us to put anything in them, from food to clothes and so much more. Plastics are more or less a part of us, objects we find it hard to part with. What we probably don’t know are the greater…

    Chemitei Janet 2 min read
  • ARTWORK: WHERE? - No one wears a watch. © Mandy Barker

    5 More Things Businesses Can Do Now That They’ve Realised #StrawsSuck

    The #StrawsSuck movement is gaining momentum the world over. Aiming to curb usage of single-use plastics, the campaign urges all individuals and businesses to stop using plastic straws – and many South African food franchises (particular in coastal cities) are opting in at a rapid pace.

    Angelo C Louw 2 min read
  • Greenpeace demands that Shell and Sasol show up at climate change and human rights inquiry

    Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 February 2018 - This morning activists from Greenpeace Southeast Asia - Philippines unfurled a banner reading “PEOPLE AND PLANET, NOT PROFIT” from Shell’s Batangas oil refinery, sending a sharp reminder to Shell to attend upcoming hearings into the responsibility of big fossil fuel companies for climate-related human rights harms.

    Greenpeace Africa 3 min read
  • Proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill Unconstitutional says Greenpeace Africa

    Cape Town, 30 January 2018 - Greenpeace Africa is in the parliament today to make a presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police on the proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill. We believe the proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill is unconstitutional as it will limit the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights in a…

    Lerato Ngakane
  • Light at the end of the tunnel

    26 January 2018 - Greenpeace Africa welcomes Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement on South Africa’ energy future at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. With Eskom’s future hanging in the balance, it is clear how critical it is to make the appropriate energy investments to boost the economy and benefit the people of…

    Lerato Ngakane 1 min read

    In this January edition, learn about our journey through the Congo Basin forest, the Climate March at the UN Climate Conference in Bonn, what we got upto on International Coastal Clean-Up Day and more!

    Greenpeace Africa