This Wednesday, I had barely had breakfast when I was surprised by some absolutely amazing news: the Brazilian environmental agency – IBAMA – announced it would cancel the process for licensing the São Luiz do Tapajós (SLT) megadam in the heart of the Amazon. Once my heart rate returned to normal, I started to call my colleagues and Munduruku leaders, seeking confirmation.

Today, it’s official: IBAMA has cancelled the São Luiz do Tapajós megadam. It’s time to celebrate this incredible news! I’d like thank all of you who stood with the Munduruku Indigenous People and helped make this victory possible.

Over these last months we truly believed that sooner or later IBAMA would need to recognise the megadam project’s significant environmental and social impacts in the region. Now, with IBAMA’s decision, the approval process for the megadam cannot move forward.
More than 1.2 million people around the world joined the Munduruku Indigenous People to say no to the SLT dam and pressure multinational companies like Siemens to distance themselves from the project.

Other Brazilian agencies like FUNAI (National Indigenous Foundation) and federal public prosecutors in the Brazilian state of Pará had recommended that IBAMA cancel the license because the project would displace Munduruku communities, making it unconstitutional. Part of the Munduruku Indigenous land called Sawré Muybu – an area in the process of been officially recognised as Indigenous Land – would have been flooded by the dam.

Now that the megadam’s license has been cancelled, the Brazilian Ministry of Justice must recognise its obligation and move swiftly to officially demarcate the Sawré Muybu territory.
Although, we are celebrating this incredible victory, we know there is a lot more to do to keep the Tapajós and other Amazon rivers free from hydrodams. Our campaign has not finished yet!

There are 42 other hydrodam projects planned in the Tapajós basin and hundreds earmarked across the Amazon rainforest – part of an aggressive economic model that doesn’t consider the critical importance of protecting the Amazon forest and its inhabitants. Previous dams build in the Amazon have negatively impacted local communities, devastated the environment and even been mired in corruption scandals.

We need to stop them, one by one!

There is another way. Brazil must focus on truly renewable energy and become a world leader in wind and solar. With the right investments, it is possible to generate the same amount of energy that dams like São Luiz do Tapajós would produce, by harnessing the power of wind and sun.

Unfortunately Congo Basin countries are still far from celebrating a similar victory for the world’s second largest rain forest. In this region, especially in Cameroon and DRC, forests are still under threats because of the implementation of several dams that did not fulfill a proper environmental and social Impacts mitigation plan.

We hope that the Congo Basin countries will be inspired from the Brazilian example and will take some steps back from the implementation of devastators dams projects that are destroying communities livelihood and forests. Congo Basin countries must take decision that protect people’s rights and that put environmental benefits in the first place.


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