My relationship with Greenpeace Africa started in early 2019. 

Out of the blue I was swept up in a whole new world, a new family and a great group of like-minded people who were there for the same reason I was. To make change happen.

My very first activity was a Dam clean up. I was inspired by the friendliness and total dedication to the cause by all the GPAF Volunteers that were there that day, adults, children and staff. They were dragging stuff out of the water in their gum boots and talking to community members and passersby. It made me feel like this is what I had been missing all my life!

Greenpeace Africa has definitely won a very special place in my heart and in my life! 

I have achieved and overcome so many personal challenges, gained knowledge, learnt new skills, experienced exhilaration and empathy, enjoyed online courses and education, participated and observed, co-created and co-ordinated.  The opportunities and the experiences have been life changing and who said you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks!

Being a Greenpeace Africa Volunteer and Activist has been the best part of my life’s journey so far.

After participating in campaigns, no matter how small a part I played, I always left with a heart that was overflowing, knowing that my actions were making a difference. 

During 2020 and 2021 it was apparent that online activism was something I could really sink my teeth into and this would not have been possible without my GPAF Volunteer family!

Supporting an organisation like Greenpeace Africa is such a fulfilling part of becoming a person who is now in a position to teach and educate and to make people power a reality for others!

It has been a very successful journey filled with great adventures and now my journey continues as I start with another part of the GPAF family and have the privilege of continuing my work as GPAF Community Manager in 2022.

May the journey ahead be as rewarding as the previous years before.

Thank you Greenpeace Africa for showing me how to be a better human being and guiding me in helping others realize their superpowers!

Natanya Harrington, Greenpeace Volunteer and Activist