One of my greatest victories in Greenpeace Africa as a climate Activist is my involvement in the fight against harmful pesticides in our food under the #FoodForLife campaign. The action took place in Makueni County, Kenya on World Food Day. It was funnily one of the first actions I took part in right after my Activist training, I remember wanting to be arrested because I felt that’s what truly made me an Activist haha, I didn’t realize how wrong I was after actually having gone through the experience, having a plan A, B… thinking on your feet developing a plan C, D…trusting your fellow activist to be there for you in case shit hits the fan, it was truly amazing standing there as tall as my midget height would allow, with a banner in hand, lifting it high above my head with pride and conviction, getting strength and confidence from my fellow activists and unhappy farmers by my side, needing my message to be passed across, that I, Tracy Makheti, demand for NO MORE POISON IN OUR FOOD! Simply exhilarating.

We garnered enough attention to get Kenyans riled up about the injustice and as their voices grew louder we eventually had 12,000 signed petitions by Kenyans demanding the removal of harmful pesticides in our markets. I became part of the activist team that successfully handed over these petitions to Hon. Gladys Shollei – a member of the Kenyan parliament. Representing not only the Kenyan people but also the bees, as I was dressed in a bee costume, as they too are widely affected by these harmful chemicals. This made me truly understand the power that is held in the actions of a people, that with a little empowerment and unity, justice can be achieved. 

The whole experience made me feel a part of something greater than myself, as I first-hand witnessed how the Kenyan people put their differences aside to use their voice for the common good. It was truly breathtaking. Greenpeace uncovering injustices in the world and elevating our voices, giving us a fighting chance to stand up for our rights and protecting our planet is why I will continue to support Greenpeace with all my might and all that I am until all’s right with the world again. 

Tracy Makheti, Activist – Greenpeace Africa