The Congo Basin forests made us dance

My name is Hermann Fondjo and I am an environmentalist activist and a volunteer for Greenpeace Africa. As the journey of the Greenpeace ship the Esperanza takes it along the coast of the Congo Basin countries, an exceptional clip has been dedicated to the forests for this occasion. It is through dance that nature lovers have expressed their hopes for a better future for the Congo Basin forest.

What else could be as joyful as dancing for what really matters to me? I have long trained myself to perform on due time the best choreography in honour of the forests. The Esperanza crew members and I performed a wonderful choreography.

The Congo Basin forests made us dance

The Esperanza stop over in Cameroon was a great moment of excitement. Through a one of a kind folk dance, adults and toddlers have shown their love for the forests.

The Congo Basin forests made us dance

The Congo Basin forests made us dance

In Matadi, the welcoming the Esperanza was really impressive. I have seen people much older than me, jiggling to magnify the forests and draw our attention to the need to safeguard this precious gift of nature.

The Congo Basin forests made us dance

Dancing for the forests was an exceptional experience. Through this clip, I could sense the love we have for them. If only our dance steps could repair all the wrongs done to the forests, I am pretty sure they would regain their vitality as at the beginning of the world.

The Congo Basin forests made us dance

Unfortunately, this might not be the case. It is, therefore, necessary and urgent, that we all ”Give the Congo Basin a chance” before a natural disaster which has already impacted a big part of this precious gift, becomes worse.


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