Have you ever heard of buy nothing make something? This is making something instead of buying and reusing something else that you would have otherwise considered as waste. MAKE SMTHNG week 2022 at Ubunifu hub was all about engaging participants in making products locally and avoiding over-reliance on manufacturers that are major drivers of climate change.

During MAKE SMTHNG week 2022, conscious consumerism was promoted to challenge the hub and gold mine of corporations and manufactures; Black Friday perpetuates exorbitant consumerism and cares less of our footprint culture. The event brought together DIY enthusiasts, zero wasters, upcyclers, crocheters, minimalists, artists, urban gardeners, vegans and crafters: offering a knowledge-sharing and collaboration platform for responsible consumers to make instead of buying.


Sewing and stitching – The participants were engaged in sewing and stitching, and learnt basic mending and repair skills to encourage them not to discard torn or worn out clothing that they own.The fashion industry is one of the major polluters with an increased carbon footprint from raw material sourcing to distribution to your local retailer. 

Clothes Swap and Crocheting – This promotes responsible consumerism by swapping out  clothes in their wardrobe that they no longer wear. Also, the participants donated clothes that they no longer needed for upcycling by Africa Collects Textiles, reducing the chances the textiles ending up in the dumpsites. Furthermore, the participants were engaged in crocheting and learnt the basics of crocheting, to encourage them to make their own crocheted clothes and crochet flowers for decorations.

Hairdressing and making wigs -The participants were guided on how to make their own wigs, with locally sourced Kinky braids. Making wigs by yourself cuts the cost of new purchases, and hair installation. Furthermore, the wigs last longer up to 2 years which reduces the braids waste and frequency of braids consumption. 

DIY and Upcycling

The activities included using bamboo to make small ships and string art and using old calendars to make necklaces. Further, under the upcycling, the participants made baskets from waste bottles, plastics, and dustbins made of waste plastic. Also, the participants engaged in making hanging gardens using bamboo, strings and plastic bottles. Hanging gardens are forms of urban gardens that use little horizontal space and maximize on the vertical space.

Art and Craft

The activity included collaboration of different artists, sharing their ideas, creativity and paint brushes on canvas to make some amazing masterpieces. Also, the music and spoken words artists had their piece of the day, during the entertainment session. Indulging in any form of art, positively affects our personal growth and development by stimulating our senses and sensibility holistically and by enlivening our expressive and creative aspects of our being. As the famous German artist Johann Wolfgan Von Goethe said, “A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” Art is a universal language that has helped the artists through ages, cutting across time and space to convey their feelings and emotions and tell stories through painting, or music. Making something helps us relax and gain a connection with mother nature, and express our thoughts about our environment including our ideal world.

Benson Gitutu
Planet One Ubunifu Hub,
Community Trainer