Shocking images from the BP Gulf disaster

by Kert Davies

May 7, 2012

The White House and BP have been hiding the truth about the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf.

After almost two years after Greenpeace submitted a Freedom of Information Request for images and information related to the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster, we finallyreceived the first batch offiles. The images are disturbing and beg the question:What else about the Gulf disaster is the White House and Big Oil hiding from the public?

The (horrible) picture below is of a critically endangered Kemps Ridley sea turtle.

Here some more of the images that we are releasing today.Take action and demand that the White House immediately make publicly available all the images, files and documentation before they reach a settlement with BP.

These images of dead sea turtles, completely covered in oil, present a very different picture than what we were told by US officials, said John Hocevar, a marine biologist with Greenpeace. While the White House was trying to keep the emphasis on rosy stories of rescued animals being released back into the wild, they were sitting on these images of garbage bags full of Kemps Ridley sea turtles.

We remain concerned about what else BP and the government scientists saw, what else they documented but never showed the public. These photos are a grim reminder of the real damage that reckless oil corporations cause and also remind us never to stop pushing for transparency and accountability from Big Oil and the government that supposedly regulates its activities.


Greenpeace submitted over 50 different FOIA requests to various State and Federal agencies starting in May 2010. We continue to receive documents from those requests which are published on Greenpeaces PolluterWatch on an ongoing basis

This is the original FOIA request that produced these photographs.

We published 300 new government aerial photographs received via FOIA two weeks ago.

Take action and demand that the White House immediately make publicly available all the images, files and documentation before they reach a settlement with BP.


Mother Jones covering the story: 2 Years Later, Grim Photos From the BP Disaster

Washington Post: Previously unreleased photographs show impact of BP oil on endangered sea turtles

Huffington Post: BP Oil Spill Photos Posted By Greenpeace Following Freedom Of Information Request

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