Coal Market Report – Risks to US coal mining and export proposals, July 2015

Risks to US coal mining and export proposals

July 29, 2015

This Coal Market Update summarizes general developments in the last financial quarter that raise the risk of investing in the US coal industry. All prices are in USD unless otherwise noted. The information in the report is not financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice. Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Climate Solutions, Earthjustice, and Dogwood Initiative contributed to this report.

The US coal industry is facing structural decline and companies pursuing coal export
proposals in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) are particularly at risk. This update
highlights execution risks for PNW export projects, global coal market conditions,
and additional policy changes that may impact future coal infrastructure projects.

Companies mentioned include:

  • Arch Coal, Inc.
  • Alpha Natural Resources, Inc.
  • Bowie Resource Partners LP
  • Cloud Peak Energy, Inc.
  • Consol Energy
  • Lighthouse Resources, Inc. (formerly Ambre Energy North America)
  • Peabody Energy Corporation

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