Video: Hillary Clinton Loses Patience With Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

by Perry Wheeler

March 31, 2016

At a Hillary Clinton rally at SUNY Purchase campus today, the presidential candidate lost her patience with a Greenpeace activist who thanked her for her commitment to climate change then asked her whether she'll reject fossil fuel money moving forward. Pointing her finger at activist Eva Resnick-Day, Clinton claimed she only takes money from people who work for fossil fuel companies.

Resnick-Day: “Thank you for tackling climate change. Will you {garbled} and reject fossil fuel money from your campaign?”

Clinton response: “I have money from people who have worked for fossil fuel companies. I have never . . . I am so sick, I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I am sick of it.”

Greenpeace research shows otherwise. Clinton has received over $1 million from lobbyists and bundlers connected to the fossil fuel industry. The Super PAC supporting her campaign has received over $3 million from large donors connected to the fossil fuel industry. She has received over $300,000 from individuals and executives that work for fossil fuel companies. A breakdown of all the donations can be found here:

VIDEO from today via 350/Greenpeace:

Statement from Greenpeace Democracy Campaigner Eva Resnick-Day:

“I’ve been at Hillary Clinton events around the country at rallies where activists have been asking her to stop taking fossil fuels and I was shocked and surprised at her reaction to my question. Secretary Clinton needs to listen to the people, not fossil fuel interests.

“We have asked Secretary Clinton multiple times to take our pledge to reject money from fossil fuel interests, yet she continues to downplay the significance of these contributions. This is not some small issue — fossil fuel industry lobbyists and bundlers have contributed over $1 million to her campaign, and that doesn’t include the over $3 million from large fossil fuel donors that has gone to the Super PAC supporting her. To show her commitment to climate change, it is essential for Clinton to label these donations as toxic and reject them once and for all.”

An extensive report from Vice illustrated Hillary’s fossil fuel connections earlier this month:

The question to Clinton follows a rally last night outside Hillary Clinton’s fundraiser at the Dakota on the Upper East Side of New York where roughly 50 activists protested for hours and asked that Hillary Clinton come talk to them about taking fossil fuel money.

Greenpeace has flown its airship, asked Hillary questions at rallies, and protested with local activists at fundraisers to urge Clinton to reject fossil fuel money and prove her commitment to a people-powered democracy. Photos from these events are available here:

While Clinton claims in the video that she is sick of the Sanders campaign telling lies, Greenpeace is not connected to the Sanders campaign and does not endorse candidates. Greenpeace has reached out to every presidential candidate to urge them to sign the organization’s pledge to fix democracy, which includes rejecting future donations from fossil fuel interests. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has signed the pledge.


Contact: Perry Wheeler, Greenpeace Media Officer, 301-675-8766

Perry Wheeler

By Perry Wheeler

Perry Wheeler is a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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