Pre-Debate Facts on Coal, Nuclear, and Clean Energy

July 6, 2010

WASHINGTON--In advance of tonight’s presidential debate on energy and the economy, Greenpeace released a new backgrounder comparing different energy sources. The release comes after Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin unveiled a new slogan at a rally in Ohio: "Drill, baby, drill and mine, baby, mine!" to promote more oil drilling and more coal mining.

“Conservation, wind, and
solar are where jobs are sprouting in America,” said John
Passacantando, Executive Director of Greenpeace USA. “If Sarah
Palin really wants to help get America’s economy going, she should
be screaming ‘Blow, baby, blow’ and ‘shine, baby, shine.'”

Further information comparing
coal, oil and nuclear power with the green economy is below. The
full backgrounder is available at /usa/Global/usa/binaries/2008/10/debate-backgrounder.pdf



Coal Kills

  • The coal industry is one of the least job-intensive industries
    in America. Every dollar we throw at outdated technologies like
    coal is a dollar we can’t spend creating jobs in the clean energy
    economy.  Investing in wind and solar power would create at least
    2.8 times the number of jobs as the same investment in coal;
    investments in conservation would create 3.8 times as many jobs,
    and mass transit would create more than six times as many jobs as
  • “Every dollar we invest in dirty
    energy like coal and oil is a dollar we can’t spend investing in
    creating jobs in the clean energy economy,” Passacantando said.
    “Just about the only way you could generate fewer jobs than the
    coal industry is by investing in more oil drilling.”

    • Green investment would
      create approximately triple the number of high-paying jobs (at
      least $16 dollars an hour) as spending the same amount of money
      within the oil industry. (

      • Coal is one of the biggest contributors to global warming,
        which is conservatively projected to cause a $3.8 trillion annual
        drag on the U.S. economy by 2100 through increased extreme weather,
        drought, disease, insect infestation and other impacts
      • Green investment is projected to reduce the unemployment rate
        to 4.4 percent from 5.7 percent (based on U.S. labor market
        conditions in July 2008).

      Source data and further information:
      Pollin, Robert (University of Massachusetts) et. al. “”Green
      Recovery: A Program to Create Good Jobs & Start Building a
      Low-Carbon Economy.” September, 2008 (


      Coal Kills

      • Pollution from coal-fired power plants causes 23,600 premature
        deaths, 21,850 hospital admissions, 554,000 asthma attacks, and
        38,200 heart attacks every year. That translates into 3,186,000
        lost work days nationwide every single year and $167.3 billion a
        year in additional health care costs, much of it borne by
        taxpayers. Source:
  • Citizens of a growing number of other states are wise to coal’s
    dangers and are taking action. California, Kansas, Florida, and
    Idaho have effectively outlawed the construction of new coal-fired
    power plants; nationally, at least 59 proposed coal projects have
    been cancelled due to public opposition, failure to meet permitting
    requirements, or lack of funding.. Source:


The Myth of
“Clean Coal”


  • “Clean coal” technology has, until recently, referred to the
    scrubbers used to sweep nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and other
    regulated pollutants from coal-fired power plants. But today the
    coal industry, and now the presidential campaigns, use the term as
    shorthand for carbon capture and sequestration (or CCS), a
    largely-theoretical technology that would separate carbon dioxide
    from smokestacks and bury it in the ground to limit its global
    warming impact.
  • The first attempt to demonstrate the feasibility of CCS was a
    project in Illinois called FutureGen. But the government was forced
    to abandon the trial in January after years of technical failures
    and budget overruns. Nationwide, approximately $5.2 billion in
    taxpayer and ratepayer money has been invested in the technology,
    however a recent government report found that of 13 projects
    examined, eight had serious delays or financial problems, six were
    years behind schedule, and two were bankrupt. (

More information: “False Hope,”
May, 2008 Greenpeace Report on Problems with CCS:


Coal Destroys
Mountains and Forests and Pollutes America’s Water Supply

  • Most coal mining in the
    Eastern U.S. today uses an intensive practice known as mountain top
    removal to extract coal from the ground. Mountain-top removal has
    leveled more than 450 mountains across Appalachia. (Map of
    destroyed mountains at

    • Mountain top removal destroys ecosystems, stripping away
      topsoil, trees, and understory habitats, filling streams and
      valleys with rubble, poisoning water supplies, and generating
      massive impoundments that can cause catastrophic floods. (pics and
      info at

    More information at:



Greenpeace has released a new
video about America’s addiction to oil, available at


Oil drilling
causes oil spilling

  • Hurricane Ike resulted in at
    least three missing oil rigs. One missing rig was owned by Rowan
    Cos., resulting in a $60 million claim. The rig has never been
  • Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused 124 offshore spills for a
    total of 743,700 gallons. 554,400 gallons were crude oil and
    condensate from platforms, rigs and pipelines, and 189,000 gallons
    were refined products from platforms and rigs.
  • As global warming worsens, supercharged storms like Katrina and
    Rita will continue to pummel coastal areas and oil infrastructure,
    meaning more oil spills are inevitable.


Oil drilling
won’t lower gas prices

  • The United States burns 24
    percent of the world’s oil, yet it only has 3 percent of the
    world’s oil reserves. Even if the country drilled every drop of oil
    the U.S. has on shore or off its coasts, it will never be able to
    drill its way to lower oil prices or energy security. The country
    simply burns more than it could ever drill.
  • Offshore oil drilling is not a short-term fix. It will take at
    least a decade to bring new leases into production. It will be
    years before exploration will begin and years after that before
    production will start. If any effect were to be felt on gas prices
    (most likely only a few pennies per gallon), that effect is decades
  • Offering up more of the coastline for drilling won’t lower gas
    prices. There is no correlation between increased drilling and
    lower gas prices. The number of drilling permits increased by 361
    percent from 1999 to 2007, yet prices continue to spike.
  • Oil prices are set on the global oil market, which means that
    all oil produced around the world is all sold at the same price.
    There is no guarantee that the country would even be using the oil
    that was drilled in the U.S.–it would pay the same rate as the
    rest of the world.



Nuclear plants
remain highly vulnerable to terrorist attack.

  • Although seven years
    have passed since the attacks of 9/11, America’s nuclear power
    plants remain highly vulnerable to terrorist attack even thought
    U.S. officials acknowledge that the architect of the attacks –
    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – originally planned to fly the planes into
    nuclear facilities in the U.S. Moreover, according to the
    Congressional Research Service, nuclear power plants are not
    designed to withstand airliner attack. (


    Nuclear power can’t
    compete with clean energy as a solution to global

    • In 2003, the Congressional
      Budget Office (CBO) under the directorship of McCain’s own economic
      advisor, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, indicated that loan guarantees for
      nuclear plants had a 50 percent chance of defaulting.

      CBO considers
      the risk of default on such a loan guarantee to be very high-well
      above 50 percent. The key factor accounting for this risk is that
      we expect that the plant would be uneconomic to operate because of
      its high construction costs, relative to other electricity
      generation sources.


Nuclear power
requires massive taxpayer subsidies.

  • Last July, six major U.S.
    banking institutions including Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Lehman
    Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch & Morgan Stanley sent a
    letter to the Department of Energy (DOE). In it, the bankers told
    DOE that unless the U.S. taxpayer backed 100 percent of the debt
    incurred by nuclear corporations that they would have difficulty
    “accessing capital markets. “We believe these risks, combined with
    the higher capital costs and longer construction schedules of
    nuclear plants as compared to other generation facilities, will
    make lenders unwilling at present to extend long-term credit to
    such projects in a form that would be commercially viable,” their
    letter said.


The French
Model? France’s Nuclear Industry Has Been Plagued by Delays, Cost
Overruns, and Leaks

  • While politicians point to
    France as an model for new nuclear plants in the United States,
    France’s new Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) has had tremendous
    cost overruns and is now estimated to cost $6.5 billion dollars per
  • One French-designed plant in
    Finland has experienced “flawed welds for the reactor’s steel
    liner, unusable water-coolant pipes and suspect concrete in the
    foundation already have pushed back the delivery date of the
    Olkiluoto 3 unit by at least two years.” (




The clean
energy economy is creating jobs and prosperity

  • Colorado’s recent investment
    in wind power technology demonstrates the viability of large-scale
    clean energy solutions. Two years ago, when Colorado voters were
    considering a measure to require 10 percent of their electricity to
    come from clean sources, Xcel Energy, the state’s biggest electric
    utility fought the initiative tooth and nail. However, after the
    ballot initiative passed, Xcel installed thousands of megawatts of
    clean energy, met the requirement eight years ahead of schedule,
    and quickly agreed to double its goal to 20 percent. (
  • The same program could easily be duplicated across the country.
    Enough wind power blows through the Midwest corridor every day to
    also meet 100 percent of US electricity demand. Similarly,
    geothermal energy is capable of providing tremendous electricity
    supplies for America.
  • Scientists have shown that enough solar energy hits the earth
    every 40 minutes to meet 100 percent of the entire world’s energy
    needs for a year. A report released by the energy consulting firm
    Clean Edge in June showed that solar energy could meet 10 percent
    of the of the country’s electricity needs by 2025.

Clean Energy
Can Provide the Equivalent of $1 / gallon gas


State-by-state analysis of green

“Renewable Power’s Growth in
Colorado Presages National Debate”:

New data on how investing in
green economy solutions like wind and solar would create about
twice the jobs as the Wall Street bailout:

More details on taxpayer
giveaways to energy companies in the bailout bill:

For further information, contact
Mike Crocker, Greenpeace USA, 202-215-8989

Other contacts: CONTACT: Mike Crocker, Greenpeace USA, 202-215-8989

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