Indonesia’s incredible wildlife

by Jason Schwartz

March 3, 2014

A tree Kangaroo at the Melbourne zoo. Tree kangaroos live in lowland and mountainous rainforests in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the far north of Queensland, Australia. They have adapted to life in the trees, with shorter legs and stronger forelimbs for climbing, giving them somewhat of the appearance of a cross between a kangaroo and a lemur. Many tree kangaroo species are incredibly rare and most are decreasing in number.

© Greenpeace / Tom Jefferson

Happy World Wildlife Day!

If you havent already noticed, we here at Greenpeace are focusing our attention on the critical challenges faced by the forests of Indonesia. Those forests host some of the most spectacular animals we have.

In fact, Indonesia contains up to 15% of all biodiversity on the planet.

Indonesia’s great, old-growth forests and their wildlife are under immense pressure from forest products linked to deforestation. Through the action of Greenpeace supporters, we can push brands like Head & Shoulders to commit to forest protection. Already, more than 400,000 people have signed our petition calling for Procter & Gamble, which makes Head & Shoulders, to stop sourcing dirty palm oil.

On this World Wildlife Day, we thought wed remind Procter & Gamble, and all the other companies who still havent switched to forest-friendly products, what we all stand to lose if Indonesias forests continue to be exploited.

1. Sumatran Tigers


The Sumatran tiger is one of the rarest tigers in the world, with a population that may be as low as 400 individuals. Saving this incredible species the smallest of tigers requires a commitment to conserve forests.

2. Orangutans


Orangutans only live in the forests of Indonesia. Orangutans. Enough said.

3. Birds

A Wallace's hawk-eagle in Sumatra. It is one of the smallest eagles that exist.

A Wallace’s hawk-eagle in Sumatra. It is one of the smallest eagles that exist.

Indonesiahas more endemic bird species than any other country. Many, like the Sumatran ground cuckoo,are so rare that only a handful of photos of them even exist.

4. Sumatran Rhinoceros

Rhinoceros in Sumatra

Sumatran rhinos are barely hanging on, with probably fewer than 300 individuals remaining. They are covered in reddish brown hair.

5. The Pygmy elephant


The pygmy elephant lives in forests and is highly vulnerable to logging and habitat destruction.

6. Tree kangaroos

Tree Kangaroo at Melbourne Zoo

Yes, tree kangaroos exist. They are kangaroos that live in trees. Indonesian trees, the ones that make up Indonesian forests.

This is just a small hint of the incredible biodiversity and wildlife in Indonesian forests. If we can get companies like Nestle, Unilever, and L’Oreal to commit to forest-safe palm oil, surely we can get Procter & Gamble to do it too. Please, sign the petition, and help us ensure the habitat of Indonesia’s wildlife.


Jason Schwartz

By Jason Schwartz

Jason Schwartz is a media officer for Greenpeace USA based in New York City.

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